- "Bless you, mama" (says it after I sneeze)
- "Squirrels eat nuts" and "Monkeys eat bananas"
- "Eden fall down" or "Eden sit here" (she still talks about herself in the 3rd person)
- "Dada, get it!" or "Dada, stop it!" or "Rula, stop!"
- "Mama, come here!" or "Mama, where are you?" or "Mama, how are you?" or "Mama, sit down!"
- "I love you, mama"
Here's a list of some of the other things that Eden loves:
- Favorite foods: Eggies, oatmeal, pizza, broccoli, blueberries
- Favorite books: Too many to list. She is growing out of picture books and starting to like books with more text.
- Favorite pastime: Going outside to do just about anything
- Smiles and laughs mostly all of the time, rarely in a difficult mood
- Still naps minimally (only about 1 hour per day), but a good night sleeper (usually 11 hours)
- Finally growing blondish hair (but only in the back)
- Weighs about 27lbs and is 2'8" tall
- Her eyes are a weird mix of blue, green, brown and grey (all colors!!)
- Isn't really scared of anything
- Still has difficulty learning colors
- Not really into t.v. yet (phew!)
- Can count to ten and can count to five in spanish
- Always on the go...she can't sit still
- Is very perceptive and has an amazing memory for people and things (she knows the names of the other kids' parents in her class, knows the names of our neighbors and where they live, knows the cars that people drive)
i LOVE her hawaii videos. her enunciation is better than some of the on-air people that i work with. -tjp