Saturday, November 12, 2011

First Toothbrush

I went to the dentist and got Eden her very first toothbrush.  I had been trying to brush her teeth and gums with this little brush that you put on your finger, but she hated it and would rarely let me put it in her mouth.  My dentist suggested giving her a toothbrush to play with so that she gets used to seeing it and holding it.  So I sat Eden on top of the counter and showed her how to brush her teeth while I brushed mine.  At first, she started to brush her hair with it because that is the only way she knows how to use a brush.  After she figured out it was for her teeth, she loved it!  In fact, she loved it so much that she wouldn't put the brush down and kept walking around the house with it and chewing on it.  I don't know how well she's brushing her teeth, but at least it's in there. 

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