Thursday, September 1, 2011

Visit from Nana and Papa

Nana and Papa visited us over Labor Day weekend when Eden's school was shut down for a week.  Nana took care of Eden during the week, and it was a great time for them to spend some time together.  She taught Eden lots of different words and all sorts of other things.  All this time, I thought that Eden was just a little baby blob.  Little did I know that she had the capability to learn. 

Here are some examples of what she learned:  
Commands:  "Go get your froggy and give it to Nana," "Dance," "Bounce," "Push the Button"
Recognition:  Bear, Doggie, Ball, Giraffe, Butterflies, Rula, Sheep, Head, Tongue
Speaking:  Doggie, Ball, Bear, Nana
Mimicking:  Clicking tongue

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