Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm a big girl now!

Eden's been telling us when she has poo-poo, and she's been talking about pee-pee lately, so I thought it was time to get her a potty.  So far, she likes to sit on it and also likes the fact that it's sitting next to mama's potty.  We'll see how long it takes for her to actually use it.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Performing for the camera

It's getting harder and harder to get Eden to perform for the camera. Mostly, she wants to watch what I'm filming. She's also been a little uncooperative. In any case, I managed to get some video of her saying her name and telling us how old she is. She doesn't know how to say her name correctly. Instead, she says "Ennie."

Friday, January 20, 2012

Playing in the Rain

Here's Eden showing off her new rain gear.  She loves playing in the rain.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Cool, Dude!

We bought Eden her first pair of shades.  Much to our surprise, she kept them on the entire time we were out.  She got a lot of attention from everybody who passed by.