Monday, August 29, 2011

Bounce, Bounce

Eden loves bouncing and rocking back and forth on her chair.  We purposefully have to position her chair on the uneven part of the tile so that she can do it.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Giggle Monster

Eden is such a funny little giggler.  It's fun to make her laugh.


Here's Eden playing with one of her favorite toys...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Brushing Hair....Sort of

Reading with Dada

Teeth, Teeth, Teeth!

While this is not the most flattering picture of Eden, I wanted to post it so that you can see all of the teeth coming in.  In addition to the front top and bottom, the teeth next to the top middle are also coming in.  Watch out Sandra Bernhard and Lauren Bacall!

Look Ma! No Hands!

Eden has been standing for a while now, but I realized that I didn't have any pictures of her doing it...until now.  She's pretty good at it.  She can go at least 5 seconds without falling down.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Trying Lemons for the First Time

In a weird way, she liked it!

Chillin' in the Stroller

This is Eden's favorite way to cruise around in the stroller.  It means that she's super chilled out, and very much enjoying herself.  We get a lot of comments and snickering from people when we walk around with her like this. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Master of Crawling

Eden has mastered the art of crawling.  She can really get around.  Although she likes being mobile now, she really has her sights on walking.  You can't see it in this video, but she's now modified her crawl so that one leg is crawling and the other is straight and walking. 

Cruisin' in the Walker

Eden finally figured out how to go fast in her walker.  As you can see, she was super excited about this new development.

First Word

You heard it here first....
