Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Three Month Birthday, Eden!

Eden turned three months old this week.  Her dark baby hair is starting to fall out and is being replaced by dark reddish hair.  Her eyes are a deep blue.   She weighs 14 lbs 10 oz.  She doesn’t know how to roll over yet, but she can hold her head up nicely.  Eden is very talkative.  She loves the sound of her own voice and often expresses her contentment by cooing and talking to us.  She almost always has a smile on her face.  Her favorite activities are sitting in her chair or playing beneath her activity gym….oh, and eating.  Happy three month birthday, Eden!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

All Grown Up

Tonight is the first night that Eden is sleeping in her own crib.  She started out sleeping in a bassinet next to our bed (pictured here).  As she got older, she started sleeping in a play pen in our room.  It was my goal to get her in her own room by three months, and tonight she got the boot.  I don’t think it bothered her too much as she fell fast asleep as usual.  I, on the other hand, question whether or not I’ll be able to sleep without my baby next to me.

Monday, January 24, 2011

T.V. addict

Eden is a t.v. addict in the making.  She is mesmerized by the television.  It doesn’t matter where she is in the room, she’ll find the it and won’t stop staring.  Here are some shots of her staring at the t.v.

Lovin’ the jungle gym

Eden loves her rain forest melodies jungle gym.  She spends a lot of time looking at all the colorful animals and blinking lights.  It’s also great because it provides a much needed break for mom to do some other things.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2-month Dr Visit

We took Eden to the pediatrician today for her 2-month visit and vaccination shots.   She did great and was all smiles for her doctor.  He loved her.  Here is a picture of her getting ready for him to come in and examine her.

Here are her stats.  For comparison purposes, I added Carter’s metrics at his first doctor’s visit.

Height:  23.75 inches (75th percentile)
Weight:  13 lbs 14 oz (90th percentile)
Head:  16.5 inches (90th percentile)
Height:  23 inches
Weight:  11 lbs
Head:  15.9 inches

She got three vaccination shots today.  She’s such a happy baby, I was wondering if she would cry.  I guess you’ll have to find out for yourself.  Yes, I am a mean mommy and I took a video of the momentous occasion.  Hey, this is a blog about Eden’s firsts, so I had to document it.  I’m sure we’ll look back and laugh about it some day.  Markham and I have already had a few laughs watching this video today.

She was pretty cranky after the appointment, but we were able to get her to sleep pretty easily.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Beautiful Smile

Eden has the prettiest smile.  Here she is flashing her pink gums.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Legs Straight! Arms Straight!

Legs Straight! Arms Straight! is a game that Nana and Papa used to play with us when we were little. Here is a video of them playing it with Eden. I guess kids of all ages like it — even 2 month olds!

Cute head shots

I love these head shots of Eden.  She looks a little like a boy, but oh, so cute!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Back at Home

After an extended stay in Phoenix over the holidays, Eden and I are finally back home.  I’m not sure if she knows that this is home, but she is definitely curious about her surroundings.  I made a run to Babies R Us today to buy more supplies for Eden in order to make our house a little more baby friendly.  I picked up this chair so that Eden can have her own recliner in the living room.  It also converts to toddler chair.  So far, I think she likes it.

Talking to the Animals

Eden is learning to use her vocal chords. Here she is talking to the animals on her activity gym.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Starting to Laugh

Eden is learning how to laugh. Here is a video of Nana making her laugh. Come to think of it, Nana was also the first one to make her smile. I love her little laugh and can’t wait for her to do it more often on her own.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tummy Time!

We’ve been practicing tummy time with Eden.  She likes it, but can only hold her head up for a few minutes at a time.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Over the past week, Eden has been rejecting her food.  Since birth, she has always been a good, healthy eater, so this was definitely abnormal behavior for her.  We took her to the pediatrician to see if she had an infection that was causing her pain.  The doctor didn’t find anything and concluded that Eden might have acid reflux.  Given all of her symptoms, this diagnosis made sense.  The doctor prescribed baby Zantac which we give to Eden twice a day.  Here are some pictures of Eden taking her medicine this morning.  Although she looks like she’s smiling in these pictures, I don’t really think that she likes the taste of the medicine.  Being the good baby that she is, I think that she tolerates it.

One good thing about going to the doctor is that we now know her weight and length:

Weight = 13.8 lbs (up from birth weight of 8 lbs 10 oz)
Length = 24.25 in (up from birth length of 20.5 in)

What a healthy baby!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

I love what you’ve done with your hair lately…

The Swirl

The Comb-over

I love looking at the back of Eden’s head.  She has a swirl and an old man’s comb-over…not to mention a baby mullet.  It’s really cute.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Carter and Eden

Cousin Carter loves Eden.  He’s always asking if he can hold her and he tells her that he loves her.  It’s adorable!  These pictures are hilarious because Eden (2 months) looks almost as big as Carter (4 years).

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Holidays in Phoenix

We celebrated Eden’s first Christmas in Phoenix.  Here are some of my favorite pictures.  Eden had a great time playing with and being spoiled by her cousins, Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents.  I’m not sure that we’re going to be able to go home to a quiet house again.
I brought four different Christmas outfits to Arizona for Eden.  I laugh every time I see her in the red outfit complete with 80′s aerobic headband.  My favorite is the Santa outfit that belonged to Carter when he was a newborn.

Ava and Eden

One of the cutest things over Christmas was watching Eden interact with Cousin Ava.  Ava adores Eden and spent a lot of time talking to her, playing with her, and making sure that Eden was okay.  Eden immediately responded to Ava and happily gazed at her every time Ava came into view.  It was very cute to watch.  I have a feeling that Ava is going to be watching over Eden for many years to come.

Eden and her Cousins