Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Free Spirit

Eden is free spirit. She does not like to be restricted by clothing, car seats, or baby carriers. Mommy must have been crazy when she let Eden roam “free” on her white sheets on her bed. Fortunately, Eden did not have any accidents.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Excuse the annoying baby talk — gotta do what you gotta do to get them to smile.

Monday, November 22, 2010

First Bath

Eden had her first bath.  She loved it!  It totally relaxed her and she cried when we took her out.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Eden Meets Papa

Eden finally got to meet her Papa.  Just like Nanny, Papa has the baby touch.  She fell fast asleep in his arms and was very content to be held by him.  Papa walked her around the house and introduced her to the amazing colors and patterns in the mirror.  Very cute!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Elusive Smile

Eden has been smiling at us, but we never have a camera ready to take her picture when she smiles.  Aunt Tammy was able to capture her first smile on camera.  Look a that big grin!!

First Wine Bar

We went to Bonny Doon Winery today.  Eden had the biggest bomb explosion while we were there — her diaper could not contain it all.  Her pants were soaked and her pee ran down my hands and my legs.  I was in shock.  Thankfully, Aunt Tammy was fast acting and took us to the bathroom to change her.  My lesson learned is to carry a change of clothes in the diaper bag.

True Peterson Girl

Eden is a true Peterson Girl.  We start ‘em young!
As you might have guessed, these pictures are courtesy of Aunt Tammy.  Hilarious!

Monday, November 15, 2010

What’s in a nickname?

Eden has several nicknames so far:

Little Tu Tu (this one used to be Carter’s, but Nana took it back and gave it to Eden)
Little Squirt
Panda Bear
Little Noodle
Little Burrito
Pink Sausage

Which one is your favorite?

Yay! Aunt Tammy!

Aunt Tammy is here visiting from Phoenix.  Eden is mesmerized by Tammy.  She loves to stare at Tammy and loves being held by her.  We can also thank Tammy for taking Eden to her first wine bar (more on that later).  Tammy also made an amazing Chanterelle pasta dinner for us.  It has been a lot of fun having her here and we will miss Aunt Tammy when she goes home.
On display in the first picture is the cute hat that Aunt Kim made for Eden.  Adorable!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Welcome to the Jungle

Eden in her best leopard print

Ahhh, Soif…

I have been waiting for about 10 months to eat and drink a glass of wine at Soif.  This was my first choice for a much deserved night out.  Eden was incredibly well behaved.  I think that she is going to grow up loving good wine and good food like her mama.

Friday, November 12, 2010

A New Cousin!

Eden was very happy to find out that she has a new boy cousin on the way.  The little guy will be just 5-6 months younger than Eden, and they will grow up being best buddies.  I have a feeling that Eden’s going to beat up on him….just a little bit.

A Broad Backside

Eden is a little chubbsicle.  Nanny and I were laughing at her backside and her little jelly rolls.  She definitely has a muffin top.  You can also see a bit of her baby mullet….more on that later.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Plug or Michael Buble?

We broke down at the hospital and gave Eden a pacifier.  Since she’s been home, we’ve been using it off and on during times of desperation.  I can’t tell if she likes it or not.  Usually, she makes a yucky face when I put it in her mouth.  The thing that seems to have the most calming effect on her is listening to Michael Buble while lying on Nana’s bed.  Why does lying on Nana’s bed have the same effect on all of the grand kids?  I guess it’s magic.  Nobody can replace Nana. :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pucker Up!

Eden makes the funniest faces.  Here’s one that she makes a lot.

Sleepy Mommy and Daddy

Monday, November 8, 2010

Daddy goes back to work

Eden missed Daddy so much on his first day back at work that she insisted that we write him a note and send it to him

Saturday, November 6, 2010

First Outing Sans Bebe

Nana took me out on my first outing without the baby.  We went out for a late lunch, and yes, that is a glass of wine in front of me.  It was fabulous!  Daddy was on baby duty and did a good job taking care of little Eden.

Blue Eyed Girl

Eden’s eyes are dark blue right now.  I know that they can change and won’t be set until 6 months, but for now they are blue.  She has some highlights in her eyes which makes her doctor think that they might be hazel.  This would make sense because my eyes are brown and Markham’s eyes are green.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Lovin’ the Boppy

Everybody raves about ‘My Brest Friend’ (, but after trying both the Brest Friend and the Boppy, I definitely prefer the Boppy.  It also makes for a convenient baby pillow.  Here are some shots of Eden chillin’ out on her Boppy.

What a Sleepyhead!!

Eden is such a sleepyhead!  We constantly have to wake her up to feed her, and she falls asleep during most feedings.  This is bad news because it usually means that she’ll want to feed again an hour later.  As a result, we’ve resorted to finding creative ways to wake her up, but nothing seems to work very well.  Here are some shots of Markham trying to burb her and rub a wet wash cloth on her face.  These techniques only make her twitch a little before she drifts off to sleep again.  A wet wash cloth to the belly seems to work better.  Undressing her and changing her diaper also does the trick, but she usually falls asleep again after we change her.  Ugggh!

Visit from the Grandmas

We were lucky enough to have both grandmas visiting us at the same time.  They cooked and helped with cleaning the house, which allowed us to focus all of our attention on little Eden.  Big thanks to Nanny and Grandma Yonkers!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Eat, Sleep, Poo

So far, Eden is a really good baby.  Her favorite past times are eating, sleeping and pooping.  That’s pretty much all she does.  She doesn’t really cry.  As long as she gets to eat, she’s a happy baby.  Here’s a picture of her sleeping.  I’ll spare you the images of her eating and pooping.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Projectile Poo

First Doctor Visit

Eden had her first visit to the pediatrician’s office.  Amazingly, she’s almost back at her birth weight and she didn’t cry at all for the doctor.  Doctor says that she’s doing great and doesn’t need to come back until her 2 month visit when she’ll get her vaccinations.